Travel around Asia, enjoy what you do and experience unforgettable moments!


we are a couple of young people that love travelling and experiencing new things. Especially we enjoy travelling in Asia, spending time with local people and indulge ourselves in their everyday life and culture. Stay with them, experience what they do, try their meals and learn more about their traditions. An integral part of it is their local food, that is full of aromas, colorful, unique and usually prepared according to some special rules.

We also like preparing these dishes at home. In the same time, we can once again experience these unforgettable moments. Healthy, well-balanced and using organic food is all the best one can profit from their cuisine. That is why, it came to our minds, that we could create a blog, where we could share it with you.

We believe you would enjoy it starting from the first bite and that our stories would encourage you to travel to remote places and experience what we do. In the same time be as fascinated by these countries as we are! 
