Freshly squeezed oranges, ripe pineapples, papayas, mangoes and limes - all of them naturally sweet, colorful and full of taste. Add to that list nopal, celery, beetroot or carrot and you will get all you need to make healthy drinks. Mexican juices may have all of them, only some of them or have additional ingredients.

Lovely, refreshing and nutritive. Green, yellow, orange and purple. Vivid colors, wonderful flavors and full of nutritional benefits. Juices are perfect. Smooth, well blended and drained. With no seeds, hard fruits' or vegetables' parts and without skins.

Local fruits in Chiapas state.

In Mexico, if you like a healthy way of life, you won't be disappointed. Orange juices and green juices - Jugo de naranja and Jugo Verde, are the most popular. While the first one is a single fruit juice, the second has a lot of ingredients, basing mainly on green plants. Apart from that, beetroot and carrot juices are widely popular. Sometimes you can get mixes of them, however it is worth trying them alone, as Mexican fruits and vegetables taste in a different way. Sweeter, less bitter and juicy. And what is important, these juices have so many valuable vitamins, microelements and macroelements. That might be needed, when you walk a lot and burn a lot of calories.

Jugo Verde and Jugo de Naranja for a Mexican breakfast.

Orange juices are sold from street stalls, in bars and restaurants. Very often, you will find them in the breakfast menu - Desayuno Mexicano. They are fresh as always, with no additional sugar and usually not diluted with water. But depending on the region of Mexico orange juices will taste differently. Some of them will be sweeter, some more bitter, some more sour.

Apart from jugo de naranja and jugo verde, the juice selection is much bigger. Fruit and vegetable mixes are mainly available in juice shops, where the juice menu is really impressive. In some bars and restaurants, a limited juice list also appears, however, the list rarely exceeds five.

Shops specialized in juices usually have a long juice menu including therapeutic, nutritive and energy juices. In some places you will find fresh fruit juices mixed with oats, cereals, seeds and nuts. Rarer, yogurt will be added.

Some places will also offer vegan and organic juices, including only ingredients from selected and accredited plantations.

How to make a healthy Mexican juice?

How to make a healthy Mexican juice?

The base of almost all juices is an orange juice. Happily, it is not water and is not with sugar! Prepare additional ingredients. Wash, peel and cut. If your juice is a composition of a lot of ingredients, then only a small quantity of every fruit or vegetable is needed. The amount you should take, depends on your preferences. If the recipe includes oats or cereals add about 3 tablespoons of them for a half liter juice. Add all of the orange juice and blend all for a couple of minutes (1-2 minutes). Use a small strainer before pouring the juice into your glass. Below you will find some ideas and recipes that will not only promote good health, but also may help loose weight. Try a vegetable juice like a carrot, beet juice or a green juice. If you are starting your adventure with juicing recipes, select an apple juice

Healthy juicies:

Therapeutic juice recipes

Green (Jugo Verde) - oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, celery and honey.

Green (Jugo Verde) - oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, celery and honey

Anti-aging - apple, grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, papaya and honey

Digestive - celery, lime, pineapple, carrot, grapefruit

Diuretic - grapefruit, pineapple, cucumber

Revitalizing - strawberries, apple, lime juice

Cholesterol - apple, carrot, oranges, lime, beetroot

Antioxidant - grapefruit, spinach, oranges, papaya, pineapple

Anti-cellulite -grapefruit, strawberries, cucumber, pineapple, water

Antiparasitic - papaya, lime, water

Anti-gastritis - apple, oats, carrot, cucumber

Skin nourishing - carrot, papaya, parsley, celery

Kidneys and liver - carrot, apple, parsley, blueberries, water

Blood pressure - celery, apple, beetroot, carrot, oranges, lemon, garlic

Anti-flu - guava, oranges, pineapple, apple, lemon, moringa

Therapeutic juices with oats

Triglycerides - beetroot, strawberries, blueberries, oranges, oats

Diabetic - pineapple, nopal (prickly pear), spinach, oats

Vitamin - carrot, oranges, honey and oats

Nutritive juice recipes

Geisha - oranges, coconut, ginger, pineapple

Good morning (Buenos dias) - mango, strawberries, oranges

Paradise - oranges, papaya, melon

Sunset - pineapple, strawberries, oranges, papaya

Piña Colada - pineapple, coconut

Sunset - carrot, pineapple, oranges

Maja - oranges, pineapple, nopal (prickly pear), spinach, green apple 

Nutritive juice with oats and cereals recipes

Special - carrot, oranges, grapefruit, parsley, oats

Dawn - banana, oranges, cereals

Duchess - oranges, banana, strawberries, oats

Princess - natural yogurt, blackberries, almonds, honey, oats

Princess - natural yogurt, blackberries, almonds, honey, oats.

Our TOP Mexican Juice is a traditional Jugo Verde. This great composition of fruits and vegetables is something you could drink the whole day long. Pineapple, orange juice, spinach, nopal, celery, parsley, lime and honey create a perfect taste. And of course, it includes nopal - a prickly pear, that is so rare in any other country!

Nopal - prickly pear.

We also tried making most of them. To some of them we added honey (like for example to Geisha, Dawn), but most of them we prepared according to these recipes. Try them too! Or prepare them in your own way. Mix selected ingredients, introduce some new tastes (kiwi, watermelon, raspberries,... up to you :)) or add spices and herbs. :)

Author: BetiA passionate traveler and lover of Asian cuisine, especially Thai and Japanese dishes, Bernadeta brings her culinary and cultural experiences to life in her writing. Beyond her travels, she’s an avid technology enthusiast with a deep interest in data processing, merging her love for exploration with analytical insights.

Photographer: AdalbertAn aficionado of computers and photography, Adalbert captures the essence of diverse cuisines with a discerning eye. A connoisseur of rich flavors and particularly fond of meat-based dishes, he combines his technical skills with his passion for the culinary arts in every shot.

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