EAT IN ASIA / Destinations / Other destinations / Central america / Costa rica

How to distinguish plantains and bananas – their culinary use and nutrition values

Bananas and plantains are very popular in Central America and so it is in Costa Rica. They are eaten raw, cooked, grilled or baked. Although, at the first glance both fruits look similarly, there are some differences that allow us to distinguish them. If you are confused which is which and how to use them, read the post!

First of all, it is needed to be underlined, that the taste of a banana is different from the one of a plantain. Also, the way of serving and eating it is different.

How to distinguish plantains and bananas

Bananas and plantains – what do they have in common?

  1. They have a similar appearance.
  2. They originate from the same plants’ family.
  3. Both have similar nutrients and vitamins like vitamin C, dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium and antioxidants.
  4. Both plantains and bananas change their color from green, through yellow till brown or even black during the ripening process.

How to distinguish plantains and bananas

Differences between bananas and plantains

  1. They have a different taste.
  2. They are used in another way.
  3. Plantains are more starchy than bananas.
  4. Bananas are sweeter than plantains.
  5. Carbs originating from starch are higher in plantains than in bananas, where most of them is from sugars.
  6. The form of serving and eating them. Bananas are sweet and that is why they are often added to deserts, sweets, cakes, breads etc. apart from that, they are eaten raw alone, in fruit salads or added to drinks, shakes, porridges, yogurts and other dairy products and cereal compositions. Plantains are rather used in savory dishes, fried, baked or cooked (they are served for a traditional Costa Rican breakfast and as a part of Casado). Rarely, they are eaten raw, as they taste is not so good.
  7. Plantains have a thicker skin than bananas.
  8. Plantains can be eaten and are good on every step of ripening, so also when extremely green. Bananas have the most flavor when yellow and fully ripe and are less tasty when green.

Casado with platano maduro

Only the ripest plantains are as sweet as bananas – they are called ‘maduros’. These plantains are grilled, fried or baked and server as a side dish to ‘casados’.


Plantains or bananas?

Plantains are available on markets the whole year round. At the beginning of their maturing process, they are completely green. From day to another, they are becoming more and more yellow, till they reach their final yellow dark brown color.

As we mentioned it before, plantains can be eaten at every moment of their maturing process. However, their taste and texture changes in the time being. When they are green, they have a starchier texture, and taste a little bit like a potato.

Traditional 'Tico' - style breakfast - desayuno with gallo pinto and fried plantains

The process of coking them takes longer time, so it is possible to boil them with some yams and prepare a tasty stew. At the same time, they can be fried, baked and grilled. Their skin is hard and difficult to be removed. Usually, a sharp knife is needed to remove the peel. Green plantains are more difficult to be digested than ripe, yellow ones.

Plantains or bananas?

During the ripening process, the color of plantains changes to yellow with brownish dots. This stage, when their color is something in between yellow and brownish, is their peek moment. However, still they are not completely ripe. This moment comes when they are brown or almost black. That is also the moment when they are the best. They are fully ripe, sweet and the starchy consistence is less visible. These plantains are called ‘maduros’. Their pulp has an intensive yellow or pale honey color and are easier to be peeled.

Casado with fried plantains

The skin of plantains defines how ripe they are and also how sweet they are. This is in consequence of the starch conversion into sugars. During this process, the pulp is becoming sweet, sticky, glutinous and a little bit jelly like. The skin is becoming softer and thinner.

Casado with fish and fried plantains

Plantains can be prepared in almost any way you can think about. They can be steamed, cooked, pan-fried, boiled, grilled or deep-fried. They can also be prepared in different forms. They can be eaten an ingredient of both sweet and savory dishes. When plantains have their skin either of a dark yellow color or any other till they get purely brown one they are called ‘maduros’. These extremely ripe plantains taste best if slightly baked, grilled or fried on a pan till the moment they get caramelized. To get a larger surface for frying and caramelizing, ‘maduros’ are cut in half from one end till the other.

Casado with chicken and fried plantains

Plantains can be fried in multiple ways too. They can be cut in semi-thick slices and fried either in egg, breadcrumbs or alone. They can be cut into extremely thin slices that makes them taste like chips after frying. They can be also cut diagonally, fried with or without skin and caramelized a little bit, depending on their ripeness. Finally, plantains can be rolled and flattened and then fried like a pancake.

When preparing plantains, you have to know about four main factors and issues that should be considered beforehand.

Ceviche with fried plantains

At the beginning, you should know what kind of a plantain you would like to obtain – should it be a regular, starchy one, or maybe a caramelized one. Choosing the caramelized version, you should select only the ripest plantains, and these that have either a brown or dark yellow and doted skin.

Casado with plantain chips

If concentrated on preparing regular plantains, select any in the color from green till yellow. These last ones can be prepared in different ways too. If you would like to have a smashed plantain as it is served mostly in Cuba or Puerto Rico, take green plantains, roll them and add flavor with garlic, salt and oil. To prepare Costa Rican food named ‘tostones’, cut green plantains into, more or less, 1,5 cm wide slices. Then fry them twice till they become crispy.

Casado with plantain chips

For obtaining plantain chips, slice thinly plantains and fry them till they harden.

Sometimes, however less often, plantains are grated and fried like French fries on a deep oil.

Casado with fried plantains - platano maduro

When preparing plantains, you should select non-sticking pans, especially when you are preparing caramelized ‘maduros’. Apart form that, you should use an almost tasteless oil or fat. Avoid using lard or any flavored oil unless you want to mix two tastes. In case you want to gibe an extra aroma to your plantains, select virgin coconut oil. Remember also about using the minimal needed amount of oil. If you use to much oil, then your plantains would be soaked in it and get a spongy texture. In case an extra oil appears on the pan, remove all that is unnecessary. Finally, fry them on a medium heat, so that the inner part of the plantain cooks well too. If you try to do that too quickly, only the outer part would be fried, browned or even burnt, but the inner part would be uncooked.

Casado with fried plantains

Knowing all that, it is also good to know, that plantains have a lot of positive effects on our organism. Plantains regulate blood sugar levels, prevent anemia, reduce appetite and regulate the digestive system. They also help keeping the blood pressure on a moderate level and strengthen the cardiovascular and immune system. However, it is important to remember, that plantains contain a lot of calories per 100 grams if we compare them with other fruits. So, eat them in moderation.

Casado with fried plantains

They contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and a significant number of the dietary fiber. Among the vitamins that can be found in plantains, vitamin A, vitamins from the B group (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9), vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K are to be mentioned.

Plantains are rich in such minerals like magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium and potassium. They are also a good source of omega-3 and 6 fatty acids as well as flavonoids.


Plantains or bananas?

The ‘banana’ term refers to a large number of fruits from the Musa genus. It is a large family of different plants, in which you will both find bananas and plantains. But bear in mind, that this distinction between bananas and plantains is not a botanical one. It is purely fictive and distinguish plants from the Musa genus that are sweet and yellow – bananas, from these that are starchy – plantains.

Bananas are usually eaten raw and alone. They are often used in shakes, juices, desserts and smoothies. Sometimes, they are also fried, added to oatmeal, porridges and yogurts. You might also use them as a substitute of and egg in a vegan cake. You can make bread, buns, sweet rolls and pancakes. They really offer a lot of possibilities.

Milk shake with avocado, mango and banana

They give a lot of energy, make your stomach feel full for a long time and also have a lot of health benefits. Thanks to their high content of a dietary fiber, they promote a good gut health. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. They help lowering blood pressure and decrease the chance of heart diseases, as they have a positive effect on the proper blood circulation. Bananas are also known for their antioxidant effects.

Thanks to their content of zinc, they have a positive effect on your skin and hair. Iron that is also in bananas, will help you avoid anemia. It is also worth mentioning, that bananas may improve your memory, so don’t forget to eat them!

Plantains or bananas?

Apart from that, you will find a lot of vitamins in bananas. The most significant amount of them includes vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, B9 and E. Among minerals that are worth mentioning is potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium and zinc. Bananas are especially recommended for persons that practice a lot of sport and children, but also adults should not skip eating them.

Plantains or bananas?

As you can see, both plantains and bananas have a lot in common and a lot of positive health benefits. Right now, knowing how to distinguish them and how to prepare and eat them, it is up to you to decide which one you want to have a t that exact moment. It is good to jump from one to another and choose what is available and what you would like to have now. While bananas are good to be taken as a snack during traveling, hiking, sightseeing or as a lunch, enjoy fried or grilled plantains with your warm meals and when you have a chance to have them.

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